HES/FMC is a wonderful place to learn in large part due to our amazing volunteers. Students care about learning when they see adults care about them. We have an active volunteer community that includes many parents, grandparents and community members. We also have partnerships with community service groups like Rotary, PSST (Public Schools Success Team) and the American Association of University Women (AAUW).
There are numerous ways to volunteer at HES:
- Work with students in the classroom
- Help a teacher with prepping projects, making copies, filing etc.
- Chaperoning on a field trip
- Join The Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO), School Site Council or ELAC
- Help out with school-wide events like Family Movie Night, Bingo Nights, Book Swap, Fundraisers, Spring Fling Carnival, Field Day etc.
- Work in the HES school garden on a Saturday Garden Clean-up Day or work with students during weekly Garden Club at lunch
- Help in the Library and the school Book Fairs
- Ask a teacher for a way you can enrich the school that fits your interests, talents and schedule
This is a reminder that only adults can volunteer in classrooms. Younger siblings are certainly welcome to attend special school-wide events, but they cannot accompany you when volunteering or visiting the classroom during the regular instructional day or when you are volunteering as a Field Trip chaperone.
Upon arriving at the school, all visitors and volunteers need to report to the office to sign in the visitor or volunteer binder. The office will provide you with a visitor/volunteer badge. Please sign-out in the office when you are leaving the school site. This process complies with our site safety plan and allows us to keep track of all the visitors/volunteers on-site in case of an emergency. If you have any questions, please contact the school office and thank you for your help!
- Fall Festival
- Family Bingo Nights
- Book Swap/Ice-
- cream Social
- Fiesta de Noche
- Walk-a-Thon
- Spring Fling Carnival
- Fiesta de Futbol
- Dine & Donate
- Family Dance Night